
“We have more possibilities available in each moment than we realize.” Thich Nhat Hanh


“I have been working with Robin for the better part of 3 years. In that time she has helped guide me through personal and emotional development, unlike any other mental health professional I have worked with. When I sat down with Robin for the first time I thought to myself “this is a real person”. I look forward to my sessions, not because someone is going to fix me or tell me what’s wrong with me. Instead, Robin is someone who is going to walk beside me, guide, and educate me.  She challenges me to improve and become personally responsible for my life.  If you think that you’re ready for actual change, versus talking about it, I encourage you to connect with Robin. ” ~Katie

“There are people that listen and there are people that hear. Robin is one that hears. My experience with Robin has been in a 1 on 1 counseling setting, and admittedly I do the majority of the talking. That is my process. However, when Robin interjects and offers her advice, perspective, or tools it is always profound and spot on.

I have been managing my mental health for the majority of my adult life and the last six months with Robin have been more effective than my last 10 years of therapy. Her approach and methods are welcoming and comforting. It is easy to trust her in ways that may feel difficult to share elsewhere.

I trust wholeheartedly that the time I spend with Robin, I am seen, I am heard, I am understood, and there is hope. What else can we ask for from our healer?” SOC- Phoenix, AZ

Robin has changed my life for the better in so many ways. I consider her my coach, guru, and therapist. I have known Robin for over 15 years. I met Robin in the yoga setting, unaware of her broad skillset. I loved what she brought to the table as a yogi teaching in a holistic manner of mind, body and spirit. Upon considering a divorce, I found out Robin was actually a therapist. I enlisted her immediately and became a client. That was over ten years ago. Since then she has become an essential part of my life journey far beyond any isolated incident or need. As a personal goal, I try to meet with Robin on a monthly basis for her coaching, feedback and guidance. I seek her out as a highly evolved professional that can provide me insight at a level that most can’t. I would highly recommend her to anyone needing a trusted professional in the various areas she offers to her clients. Your overall self with thank-you!  C.M. Gilbert

Robin has been such an amazing influence on my life. I first met Robin as a yoga teacher in 2009. I quickly became addicted to her slow flow, mindful movement, and restorative classes. Each class led by Robin felt so special and healing. There was something happening other than just the physical movements, each class felt like a spiritual homecoming to Self. Sometimes I would have amazing images or visualizations during class. I realize now that this was all a healing process, but if you had told me that at the time I would have asked you, “healing from what?” Since then, Robin has led me deeper into my search for self and healing. I have attended Robin’s retreats, horse therapy, and one-on-one therapy sessions with her. She understands and loves so hard. She sees people at such a deep level and provides simple, straightforward clarity when life gets messy, painful, and traumatic. I completely trust and love her with all my heart and soul. I am a strong woman today thanks to her guidance, wisdom, love, and support. I fucking love you, Robin. Aho.  K. H. Phoenix


“When I discovered Robin’s age, I was gently surprised.  Not that she appears greater than her years, but her knowledge of life’s issues, and her considerable presence when called upon with questions about the physical, emotional,  or spiritual aspects of one’s being is beyond her years.  I have been practicing yoga with Robin for 13 or 14 years.  She brings to practice a deep understanding of the physical aspects of the body, but also, a vast knowledge,  and therefore understanding, of the human psyche.  She reminds us to remain present with whatever is going on in our lives.  She reminds us to feel what is going on in our bodies, to remain unattached and to allow ourselves to feel and release in any way that serves.”
Suzi M.

“What Robin does is transformative, and her style is a blend of its own.  Many teachers can teach us the poses and the alignments, but there is something special that Robin brings, from the inside, it is clear that she has a value for the inner experience of yoga.  Robin cares genuinely about your connection to yourself.  She has no end to this readiness to serve those she teaches;  whether it be through the imparting of her wisdom, the sharing of her expertise in leading the movements, bringing out props or blankets for those she sees who need assistance, gentle hands-on guidance or correction, or the natural peaceful energy she imparts through her presence alone.  Robin’s impact is a powerful one – through the subtle use of grace.”  ASU

“Many attempts to facilitate a space of perfect union of body, mind and spirit through the yoga practice. To me, this is a sacred space that I share cautiously. Robin is one of my most trusted guides through my practice. She is an essential element of my yoga practice. Not only is she nurturing, but creative, intuitive and intentional. I am always amazed at her capacity to meet my needs, to help me to soothe my physical aches but also my mental and emotional needs. Robin is a beautiful woman in every way who doesn’t take herself too seriously but rather encourages the pursuit of living a blissful life at a higher level. She is a gift to all who know her. She is Yoga.”
Jennifer B.

“Robin has come to Somatic Psychology organically. Her personal journey has exposed her heart, mind, body and spirit to the complex relationship between body and mind and the many ways that our bodies provide clues to our psychological histories, emotional responses, and interpersonal relationships. Because exploring the mind-body connection was a big part of Robin’s personal healing path, it was natural that her Yoga practice contained an unusual depth of field. She has become a beloved teacher, and a treasure to everyone who crosses her path.  I’ve been blessed to walk with her on her sacred journey toward wholeness.”
Ilene H.

“I’ve taken many different classes with Robin, Power, Vinyasa, Gentle/Restorative, heated… and although all very different approaches to yoga asana, Robin lends her own special signature no matter what she is teaching. She doesn’t just feed you poses and adjust;  she weaves the psychology of mind/body interaction. She guides you into the quiet spaces even if your body is feeling anything but quiet. She nudges you toward the realization that yoga is much more than physical exercise;  it’s a tool to help to hush your inner dialogue and awaken your inner peace.
Even in her most intense Power classes that sometimes require more focus and balance than any of my many years of Ballet required, she finds a way to take you away from the resistance of your mind and body and helps you focus on the moment at hand and nothing else.
Whether it’s a fun all level or a deep stretchy heated practice all of her classes become meditations; not just going through the motions but being the motion and the breath and coming out the other side relaxed, calm and rejuvenated.
Her classes are not just good for my body but good for my soul!”
Katherine G.

“Robin’s energy and spirit really shine through when she teaches yoga. I always leave her classes feeling energized and refreshed, but also with a deeper understanding of my own yoga practice and my own deepest spirit. Robin is attuned to a higher order of things, and her words nearly always bring me to a sense of peace within myself. She has the skills and a natural ability to assist me in deepening my practice, not only in finding the peace within the asana, but also to help me to find a new meaning in the poses,  and also in the stillness.”

“If you have an opportunity to attend Robin’s yoga class, I would highly recommend it. Her desire to assist her students in finding their own inner peace is always apparent, and her ability to do so is profound.”
Omy K.

”Robin is one of those rare souls who teaches by example, listens with her entire being, and supports without expectations.  Robin weaves authenticity, integrity, creativity, and intention into the fabric of her teachings, spiritual offerings,  workshops, retreats and writings.  In doing so she creates the space physically, mentally, and soul-fully for each of us to tap into out own innate wisdom, unleash our own unique potential and create the necessary steps for a life rooted in wholeness, healing and truth.  I am honored to have the unique perspective of being an employer, colleague and friend.  This perspective has allowed me to witness Robin’s unending ability to integrate the yogic principles into every facet of her life from her wondrous and inspiring parenting techniques to the way she pours every ounce of herself into her teaching to her uncanny ability to wholeheartedly support our friendship.  Robin has authenticity, truth and freedom. It is truly an honor and a privilege to share space with such a beautiful soul.”

Carrie H.

“Even when Robin and I first met and she was still in her late teens, I was struck by her level of emotional maturity. It was always as if she were that proverbial “old soul”, wise well beyond her years. And the years that have since passed seem to have increased that wisdom and tempered it with a compassion born of experience. Over the past several years,  she has focused a great deal on the connection between mind and body, energy and movement, form and function.  She has proved herself to be a talented teacher, a natural healer and a voracious student – for she never seems to want to stop learning and growing in the areas that can help her to be a more effective and compelling practitioner of the healing arts. Robin takes great pride in her work and her responsibility to those who may be depending on her and is not satisfied with a job partially or sloppily done. She will do exhaustive research and take pains to produce a high quality product,  not because it may or may not be expected of her,  but because she genuinely enjoys this process and believes in this high standard.”

Rachelle M.

“I began practicing Yoga at 50+ years of age because of chronic low back pain that I have had all of my adult life. The first class I tried was a Gentle/Restorative class with Robin Afinowich.  After class, I walked to my car and felt there was something missing.  It took me a couple of minutes to fully realize it was the pain!  After just one class with this amazing teacher, I felt that much of a difference in my spine.
Her beautiful spirit shines in every class, and she is devoted to making every Yoga class a blissful experience. I am so blessed to have found Yoga and Robin at a time when I needed them the most.  I feel honored to have her as a Yoga teacher and mentor.”
C. Boudreau, Gilbert, AZ

“Robin’s classes have been a calming journey of inspiration and enlightenment for me.  I look forward every week to her guidance into a healthy practice for mind, body and spirit!!!  She makes each student in her class feel comfortable and encouraged with every posture.  I am so glad to have found such a wonderful and caring yoga instructor.
Elaine B.

“Robin is gentle and nurturing and radiates a peaceful acceptance of all of us,  which in turn helps lead us to accept, love and heal ourselves.  My favorite part of Robin’s classes is the balance she strikes between mind and body health.  She teaches that negative emotions and thoughts can clog up our bodies and affect us physically.  Robin is very adept at helping her students free their minds and strenghten our muscles through movement, poses,  meditations and mantras.”
Sara Santiago

“Robin’s Restorative Yoga class has a way of releasing all stress in me that regular gym workout can’t do. It brings about peace and joy knowing that I can just let it all go.  And it’s okay to let it all go.  Love her, lover her class!!”
Carolyn W.

“Aside from being an amazingly nurturing, intuitive, and loving teacher, Robin has given me the best gift anyone could hope for: she reminded me how to reconnect with my soul. My life has become infinitely more rewarding as a result of her guidance and I feel more energized, optimistic, and present to the wonders,  beauty, and possibilities of each moment. If you’re craving greater balance,  wisdom, joy, love, and energy in your life, Robin will help show you the way.”
Melissa G.

“I have really enjoyed Robin’s teaching and she is an inspiration in my life.  She emphasizes grace with movement and so yoga becomes a kind of dance.  It is beautiful to watch and I love the challenge it brings to my life as I try it. She also puts a number of balance moves in her yoga classes, another favorite of mine,  and then puts the whole thing together in a beautiful flow.
She is always willing to spend one on one time teaching a movement step by step.  I love her classes and her beautiful free spirit.”
Helen S.

“Robin has expanded my practice physically, mentally and spiritually.  She provides much inspiration!”
Christina E. T.