

Summer Solstice: A Time for Power

I make an effort to not pay too much attention to the numbers; 108, 111, 118, 120…. It’s all just dam hot. In Arizona, it is easy to be discouraged with the summer; the unforgiving heat manages to drain motivation and oppress the excitement that summer is supposed to bring. I often wish my kids had the grace of Montana summers when everything seemed so simple; creek side play, walks to ice cream shop, sling-shots, building bikes, spending the day…

Flight of the New Moon

My ritual practices for closing out this year began on the Winter Solstice.  I find it no coincidence that on that very morning, nature as she often does, gifted me with a most magnificent and symbolic spectacle.  I was lying in bed and contemplating the nature of birds, my healing, my feelings of oppression.  I was imaging what it would be like to leap from the tallest branches and coast along sheer sky or,  the sense of freedom a bird…