


It has been a while since I’ve posted, and I have been asked by friends and colleagues to update my progress.  Over the course of my treatment, I have been reluctant to share the private and intimate details of my struggles.  I have never felt so fragile and vulnerable in my life, and it takes a tremendous amount of energy and courage for me to share this painful, scary and revealing process. I have been on a high does Interferon…

Revisit: Feed the Buddha, Love the Bees

This is a post that I wrote a while ago,  however,  I invite you to take the time to revisit it,  as the messages it holds are ones that have been speaking to me much again these days. I feel that often we read something or study something and digest it too quickly,  only to move on to the next new thing,  so take this in again slowly and apply it to where you are at right now in your…