

Spring Renewal: Death of A ChinaBerry Part 2

This week I watched the towering dead China Berry release her brittle-bone branches one by one. The sheer magnitude of her ginormous limbs crashing to the ground at the pull of a chainsaw was both terrifying and astounding, saddening and liberating.  In her destruction the thunderous roar announced her decent in a most chilling way. A powerful scream echoing her departure from the sky she once stood magnificently within, pulling wisdom from the moon, life from the sun, strength from the…

Fields of Possibility

Happy Spring 2016!! As the China berries fall to the ground it opens up a space for delicate purple buds to adorn the brittle branches while green canopies shade the yard inviting long sits and sacred hammock time, my yard and its treasures a temple in which I come to find kinship, communion and empathy for the world that sustains me. One of my favorite parts of this time of year is when the earth begins to unfold hidden gems…