Spiritual growth


Post Traumatic Growth

There is a significant rise in the understanding and exposure to Post Traumatic Stress (PTS).  Note, I do not refer to PTS as a disorder (PTSD).  Some more progressive Somatic clinicians feel that PTS is a biological and evolutionary response to a traumatic event.  It is not a disorder but rather a naturally systemic and primal response to threat.  The concept of ‘trauma’ is becoming a more common sensitivity to psycho-social conversations.  As a person who has dedicated most of her life, education and career…

A horse named Halo

My stomach rolled with anxiousness and excitement, like a little girl getting to pick her first pony.  Stacey lead me to the barn where half a dozen stunning rescue horses awaited their call to duty.  I wanted to work with all of the horses; each seemed to share something unique and deeply appealing.  However, it was Halo that captured me and drew me in.  Her crisp, sea-blue eyes, braided mane and black and white prints were breathtaking.  Her beauty was…