

Wisdom Within Weeds

The chaos amongst me is but the confusion within me.  The more neglected my yard, the more out of balance my inner ecology seems to be.   I don’t super love a perfectly manicured landscape as I appreciate the wild wisdom that…

Fields of Possibility

Happy Spring 2016!! As the China berries fall to the ground it opens up a space for delicate purple buds to adorn the brittle branches while green canopies shade the yard inviting long sits and sacred hammock time, my yard…

Silence Speaks

In my cozy bed of bird blankets, pillow pets and the most loyal and concerned boxer-pup draped at my restless feet, I am sipping on marshmallow root and liquorish tea, hoping the soothing elixir will expel the infection from my…

Bearer of Light

As the green summer leaves fade like a watercolor into golden ambers and mustards, the old China Berry tree facing the west of my yard begins to shed again.  This is the Earth’s way of telling me October has arrived…