

A horse named Halo

My stomach rolled with anxiousness and excitement, like a little girl getting to pick her first pony.  Stacey lead me to the barn where half a dozen stunning rescue horses awaited their call to duty.  I wanted to work with all of the horses; each seemed to share something unique and deeply appealing.  However, it was Halo that captured me and drew me in.  Her crisp, sea-blue eyes, braided mane and black and white prints were breathtaking.  Her beauty was…

Know your Nature

I am continuously enamored and inspired by the diverse beauty and intelligence of the natural world.  I spend most of my time outside, on a mountain, in my garden, at the park.  I study the behavior of plants and animals. I attune my senses to the elements and the sensations they evoke within my being.  I walk bare foot and burry my hands in the richness of fresh soil. I eat flowers and cacti fruits from indigenous plants. I share…

Summer Solstice

Summer Solstice In thankfulness we lift our eyes With loving thoughts in heart We give thanks for all things good For blessings the Creator imparts. Let our hearts be ever glad For beauty that abounds And gives a taste of heaven's glory When summer comes around The Solstice marks the longest day and the shortest night of the year.  The Northern Hemisphere celebrates in June, where as those in the Southern half of the world experience their longest summer day…

Revisit: Feed the Buddha, Love the Bees

This is a post that I wrote a while ago,  however,  I invite you to take the time to revisit it,  as the messages it holds are ones that have been speaking to me much again these days. I feel that often we read something or study something and digest it too quickly,  only to move on to the next new thing,  so take this in again slowly and apply it to where you are at right now in your…