How positive thinking affects the aging process


We have all heard the expression, “you are what you eat”, but what about  “you are what you think.”  Join me while as I explore the mind-body connection and how the power of optimism affects our health and the aging process.

The mind body connection:

Traditionally western views have treated the mind and body as separate entities, laying a scientific foundation for advances in surgery and pharmaceuticals.  However, prior to the 17 century almost all aspects of medicine throughout the world treated the mind and body as a whole. It hasn’t been until the past 20 years that we are redirecting our attention to the idea that our bodies have an innate ability to heal and that our thoughts and emotions have a profound impact on our health.

It is important to recognize that the brain and the mind are not synonymous.  The mind houses our mental state which is comprised of thoughts, emotions, beliefs, attitudes and images.  Each mental state has physiology, or energy frequency, associated with it and thus reacts in the body.  The brain, on the other hand, is the source of the physical state.  It is the gateway to our tissues, cells, blood, organs and immune system.  The mind and body exchange a complex chemical language. Thoughts are like little electrical currents that produce internal effects.  For example, if you are feeling anxious your body increases the production of stress hormones.  If you are feeling angry your body responds by increasing heart rate and blood pressure. Similarly, if you are feeling happy your body increases serotonin and endorphins.  Having a positive perspective has been proven to decrease serious health risks such as diabetes, cancer, heart disease and stress related illness.  Optimism naturally provides stronger cell and immune function, coping skills, mental clarity and emotional stability.  This interrelationship between our mind and body clearly indicates that our thoughts, which create feelings and attitudes, can positively or negatively affect our biological functioning.

Positive thinking and the aging process:

According to a study at the Yale School of Public Health, how you feel about getting older has much to do with the aging process.  Positive thinking about aging generally increases a persons’ will to live, in turn making them more resilient to illness and much more proactive about maintaining good health.  Research indicates that positive thinking effects how we age just as much, if not more than, genetics, physical health and lifestyle.   It is estimated that optimism can add at least 7.5 years to your life.  Those people who embrace the aging process with positive and proactive perspectives have been proven to age more gracefully and live happier, healthier and longer lives than those who dread getting older.  If you approach aging with negative attitudes you are more likely to experience negative effects.  Unfortunately in our culture messages of aging tend to focus on the negative aspects rather than the beauty of greater wisdom, life experience and spiritual clarity.

Optimism should be considered a resource for healing and a buffer to aging.   Insights into the mind’s power to heal prove that your body responds to your thoughts and emotions.  We can essentially think our way to better health, happiness and longevity by reforming our attitudes and becoming aware of our personal mind-body connection.  Thinking positive is a commitment and discipline.  It is easy to be discouraged and resort to negative outlooks, particularly with day to day stressors and challenges.  However, once you start becoming aware of your thought process you will be able to recognize, stop and replace negative patterns with positive approaches.  Consider the phrase, “energy flows where attention goes”.  Here are some ideas that may help encourage positive growth and personal awareness:

1         Writing in a journal helps express feelings and exposes your thoughts, making you more conscious about your decisions and thinking patterns.

1         Explore with mind-body techniques such as meditation, Yoga, Tai Chi, Chi Gong, and dance.

2        Consult with a mind-body or Holistic medical practitioner regarding health issues.  Approaching your health from a holistic view will help with your understanding of how your body responds to certain conditions.

3         Surround yourself with happy, peaceful, positive thinking people

–      Once you learn to harness the power of positive thinking you will witness extraordinary changes in

your life!

May your days be filled with beautiful, simple surprises.


Robin Afinowich

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