

Waking the Bear

My healing and story-telling often lean to the eco-psychological and Shamanic teachings that use nature as metaphor for understanding deep psyche and soul.  By developing a respectful and curious relationship to the natural world we can feel more connected to all of life and our unique place within the Great Mystery.  Nature is the oldest, wisest teacher.  She has been here long before cognitive humans, has given birth to gazillions of life forms and has sustained more than we can…

Death Of A China Berry

Many of my musings occur while I am saturated in the experience of my yard. I have always been a curious observer of the natural world and my passion for all things Earth has filtered into busy and loyal days tending my garden and plants, strengthening my green thumb (lots of trial and error) and feeling the sheer joy of immersing my self in the land that literally holds my home, my heart, my family, my healing, my God. I…

Black Widow Wisdom

It has been nearly a year since I have posted a blog, and according the marketing world I might as well just shoot myself in the foot.  Clearly, consistency here is not a strong point.  Trust me, I have been meaning to write. I have novels cataloging in my library mind, I am just a mad scientist studying the raw details of my life in a way that often prohibits me form refining the intense content of experience and filtering…

Summer Solstice: A Time for Power

I make an effort to not pay too much attention to the numbers; 108, 111, 118, 120…. It’s all just dam hot. In Arizona, it is easy to be discouraged with the summer; the unforgiving heat manages to drain motivation and oppress the excitement that summer is supposed to bring. I often wish my kids had the grace of Montana summers when everything seemed so simple; creek side play, walks to ice cream shop, sling-shots, building bikes, spending the day…