

Ecopsychology Is for EveryONE

For the majority of human history people have lived in harmony and reverence for the earth.  However, upon development of agriculture and the ages of colonization and industrialization a severance between people and planet arose from man’s intention of domination, control and power.  What was once wild and free became contained, organized and distributed in the name of globalization and progress.  This progress has resulted in disease and detriment to the planet as well as those of us inhabiting it. …

To Dream A Fig

The month of October has passed and with it the celebration of my 33 birthday.  Every year on my birthday, I reflect on the year past and set intention for the year to come.  As I look back on the last 12 months I see both great progress and great struggle.  Obstacles presented themselves as teachers, inspiration as opportunity and evolution and challenging transition as an apparent part of this spiritual path. It was a year I faced some of…

Bearer of Light

As the green summer leaves fade like a watercolor into golden ambers and mustards, the old China Berry tree facing the west of my yard begins to shed again.  This is the Earth’s way of telling me October has arrived bearing a season of transition.  With it comes the early set of a resting sun, and a cool night breeze playing its mysterious tune within the hollow of my wooden chimes.  As I sit, and watch, and listen, I attune…

Change of Heart

Things have changed, as they always do.  I am on a course closer to my heart and path that honors the healing work that naturally moves through my blood and bones; an ancient vessel in a modern world wanting to restore the torn fabrics of our fragmented living, an ancient vessel that humbly listens to the wisdom of all the world’s teachings to help heal and reconnect from the inside out, and the ground up. At the end of last…