

Death Of A China Berry

Many of my musings occur while I am saturated in the experience of my yard. I have always been a curious observer of the natural world and my passion for all things Earth has filtered into busy and loyal days…

Foods for Depression & Anxiety

To those who have been asking, thank you for your patience....... The gut is often referred to as the second brain, and some suggest even the first. There is overwhelming evidence reinforcing the distinct correlation between what we put in…

Lessons from a Doughnut

When my youngest son was in preschool, we went on a field trip to Krispy Cream doughnuts. The gaggle of 4 and 5 year-olds were ecstatic to learn how the donut masters make something so delicious. My son instructed me…

Fields of Possibility

Happy Spring 2016!! As the China berries fall to the ground it opens up a space for delicate purple buds to adorn the brittle branches while green canopies shade the yard inviting long sits and sacred hammock time, my yard…