Story Keepers

Aside from gifts of gratitude, grace, heartwarming company, loads of leftovers and libations, and a steady stream of risky jokes, I’d say my favorite part of Thanksgiving was the gathering ‘round the table for the tradition of story – a…

Themes & Thoughts

I did a fun thing this week! I found some shiny, purple, power pants and snapped some photos for my coaching and consulting ventures. I am bravely entering a new space of mind-body services, trauma-and resilience education, and entrepreneurship. More…

Wisdom Within Weeds

The chaos amongst me is but the confusion within me.  The more neglected my yard, the more out of balance my inner ecology seems to be.   I don’t super love a perfectly manicured landscape as I appreciate the wild wisdom that…

Railroads and Rivers

Going home is always bitter seeet. I often wish I never left, yet at 14 years old, I knew there was no other healthy choice and I quickly and happily curated a meaningful existence in glorious AZ. When I’m in Montana,…

Happy Brain

Moods are most certainly a byproduct of circumstances and individual context but it’s important to remember that we are also an incredibly dynamic and complicated soup of biochemistry.  Our composition is operated by many systems of the body, all of…